Haley Conley (Survivor)

My name is Haley Conley. Just a little over a month before my third birthday we received news that I had leukemia. Being so young I didn’t know anything that was going on but it affected me and so many others in my life in so many ways. My childhood turned upside down in a second and that was because of cancer. After going into remission and finally being cancer free. I started to look at life and I realized how much I really do HATE CANCER. Not only does it affect the people going through it but it affects so many others in their life. Cancer completely changes everything about you and it can be so hard to recover from that. Cancer takes so much away from so many people. I despise everything about cancer but cancer will never define the person I am. It is just apart of my story and it should be just "part of the story" of every other person who is affected in someway.

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